Listed are the equipments available in the Scale Laboratory, School of Bioprocess Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Perlis. This laboratory is also eqiupped with digilab. Digilab is a software-based solution that is linked to several digital microscopes together by establishing a link with the computers to which the microscopes are attached. This allows the entire system to be independent of the actual microscope hardware therefore creating a flexible system whereby the end-user may choose amongst a variety of the Digital Solutions.
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Ice Maker
Force Convection Drying Oven
Culture Refrigeration System (-80oC)
Freezer (-20oC)
Compound Microscope
Dissecting Microscope
Deionized Water
Inverted Microscope
Ultra Pure
Normal Compound Microscope BA200
Circulating Water Bath
Moticam 2000
Diamond Ro Water System