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Course Synopsis:

The course covers study of agricultural and other off-road vehicle with special attention to functional design requirements of various machine operations, cost analysis, machinery selection and testing. Topics also include tillage force analysis, tillage tools, mechanisms for metering and applying seed, fertilizer and pest control chemicals, harvesting methods and machinery, hydraulic and other methods of transmitting power and controlling machines, biomass cleaning, conveying of agricultural materials and crop drying. Interactions of machines with biological systems. Application of agricultural machinery for optimal selection, operation and performance, and management of farm machinery such as tractors, tillage, seeding, chemical application, biomass and grain/fruit harvesting and post-harvest handling in food (grain, vegetable) and industrial/tree crops production (fruits, oil palm) systems.


Course Outcomes:

Ability to analyze specialized components and evaluate mechanized systems for production, handling and processing of biological materials.
Ability to design machinery in biosystems engineering.
Ability to compare machine components in a variety of situations and select machines for specific operations in biosystems engineering.


Claude Culpin. 2008. Farm Machinery Farm Machinery, 12th Edition, Wiley-Blackwell.
Kepner, R. A., Roy Bainer, and Berger, E. L. 2005. Principles of Farm Machinery, The AVI Publishing Inc.
Cleghorn, W. L. 2005. Mechanics of Machines.
Pennock, G. R. 2003. Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Oxford University Press.
Low, K. H. 2003. Mechanics of Mechanisms, Prentice Hall.

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