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Course Synopsis:

This course consists of lectures and independent study on the techniques of conducting laboratory and/or field experiments. The students are guided on the techniques and implementation of research and monitored based on the research plan, data analysis, interpretation and conclusion. The students are required to write, submit and defend their thesis to the internal examiner. 


Course Outcomes:
Ability to conduct research experiments, analyze and interpret data and deduce   good conclusion.
Ability to use techniques and modern tools to solve research problems. 
Ability to plan activities pertaining to research project and execute the plan to meet the required research objectives and datelines. 
Ability to write research report that conforms to standard thesis format and performs   verbal presentation.


Donald, H. McBurney and Theresa, L. White. 2007. Research Methods, 7th Edition, Thomson Wadsworth.
Leo Finkelstein, Jr. 2008. Pocket Book of Technical Writing for Engineers and Scientist. 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill.
Rowena, M. 2006. How to write a thesis. Open University Press. England.
Hoang, P. 2006.  Springer Handbook of Engineering Statistic. Springer-Verlang, London.
Bailey, S. 2003. A practical guide for students. TJ International Ltd. USA.
A Guide To Student Final Year Project, 2003. UniMAP.
Daniel Holtom and Elizabeth Fisher. 1999. Enjoy Writing Your Science Thesis or Dissertation, Imperial College Press.
Academic journals.

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