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Course Synopsis:

This course introduces energy production that can be generated from bioresources or biomass which is an alternative way of producing energy from fossil-based fuels. This course emphasizes the use of more environmental-friendly technologies which can lead to reduction of pollution, thus sustaining the ecology system. The contents cover the characteristics of biofuels, bioresources suitable for conversion technologies, biological routes and chemical routes in producing fuels, and also the limitations of bioconversion processes. 


Course Outcomes:
Ability to differentiate the characteristics of biofuels and compare the process descriptions of various biofuel production. 
Ability to evaluate the limitations of biofuel productions processes.
Ability to propose a biofuel production process from potential biological feedstocks. 

Cheng, J. 2010. Biomass to Renewable Energy Processes. CRC Press. 
Vertes, A., Qureshi, N., Blaschek, H. P. and Yukawa, H. 2010. Biomass to Biofuels: Strategy for Global Industries, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 
Pandey, A. 2009. Handbook of Plant-based Biofuels, CRC Press. 
Brown, R. C. 2003. Biorenewable Resources: Engineering New Products From Agriculture, Iowa State Press. 
Lee, S., Speight, J. G. and Loyalka, S. K. 2007. Handbook of Alternative Fuel Technologies,  CRC Press.


Course Synopsis:

The course includes the principles of drug pharmacokinetics: absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of drugs. This course also covers the scientific and technological aspects of the designing and manufacturing of pharmaceutical products.


Course Outcomes:
Ability to explain the basic concept of drug absorption and disposition and analyze the related pharmacokinetics.
Ability to evaluate the pharmaceutical engineering processes in pharmaceutical formulation and production.
Ability to design pharmaceutical facilities.


Bennet, B. and Cole, G. Pharmaceutical Production: An Engineering Guide. Warwickshire: Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE)., 2003.
Aulton M. E., Pharmaceutics. The science of dosage form design. 2nd Edition. London: Churchill Livingstone., 2002.
David J. am Ende, Chemical Engineering in the Pharmaceutical Industry: R&D to Manufacturing, New Jersey, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011.
Blacker A. John, Williams Mike T., Pharmaceutical Process Development - Current Chemical and Engineering Challenges, Royal Society of Chemistry, UK: Cambridge., 2011.
Anthony J. Hickey, David Ganderton. Pharmaceutical Process Engineering: 2nd Edition. New York: Informa Healthcare., 2009
Sambamurthy K., Pharmaceutical Engineering. New Delhi: New Age International Publishers. 2012

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