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Course Synopsis:

Soil engineering in the context of biosystems engineering would have three major components: (a)Soil Physics: to provide basic knowledge to the student on physical engineering properties of soil in relation to irrigation and crop water requirement; (b)Soil mechanics : to provide basic knowledge to the student on soil mechanical properties in relation to soil foundation in relation to infrastructures and machineries; (c) Soil Dynamics (terramechanics): to provide basic knowledge to the student on soil-machine trafficabilty relationship.  Upon the completion of this subject, students would be able to conduct a complete physical and mechanical investigation of soil that are required for irrigation and drainage, foundation and slope stability design and agricultural machine selection.


Course Outcomes:

Ability to apply the basic concept of soil textural classification and physical characteristics in relation to irrigation/drainage and foundation design.
Ability to evaluate mechanical properties of soil in relation to building foundation and slope stability under the static soil condition.
Ability to synthesize the soil dynamics behavior in relation to soil-machine-traction design for agricultural machineries.


Soil Mechanics Laboratory Manual, 8thEd.(2012). BrajaM.Das. Oxford Univ.Press.
Soils and Foundations. Liu, C. and Evet, J.B. (2014).. 8th Ed. Pearson.
Soil Mechanics Fundamental (2015), Muni Budhu. Kindle Edition.
Soil Physics for agriculture and environment (2000). H. Don Scott. Wiley.
Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practices (2010). Karl Terzaghi. Wiley.

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