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Course Synopsis:

The course objective is to prepare the students with the necessary skills in the process industry. The course begins with introduction to process measurements involved in the process industries, followed by introduction to fundamental of industrial valves. Students then will be taught about ISA symbology, where students will be taught with the universal symbols used in process industry. Students then will be taught how to write the identification letter as well as the tag numbers for unit operation and piping. To complete the course, students will learn how to read and develop process flow diagram (PFD) and also piping and instrumentation diagram (P & ID).

Course Outcomes:
Ability to describe and discuss the function of different types of valves; describe and discuss the operational aspects of the valves.
Ability to discuss and compare the function and operational aspects of pumps, fans, blowers and compressors.
Ability to develop the process flow diagram by applying the ISA symbology.
Ability to develop the piping and instrumentation Diagram by applying the ISA symbology. 


Smith, C.A. and Corripio, A. 2006. Principles and Practice of Automatic Process Control, Third Edition, John Wiley.
McCabe, W.L., Smith, J.C. and Harriott, P. 2005. Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, Seventh Edition,McGraw-Hill.
Skousen, P.L. 2004. Valve Handbook, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill.
Perry, R.H. and Green, D.W. 1997. Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook, Seventh Edition, McGraw-Hill.
Murrill, P.W. 2000. Fundamentals of Process Control Theory, Third Edition, ISA.
McAvinew, T. and Mulley, R. 2005. Control System Documentation: Applying Symbols and Identification, Second Edition, ISA.
Meier, F.A., and Meier, C.A. 2004. Instrumentation and Control Systems Documentation, ISA.



Kompleks Pusat Pengajian Jejawi 3 (KPPJ3), Kawasan Perindustrian Jejawi,

02600, Arau, Perlis

T: +604-9798751|  F: +604-9798755

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